The Encyclopedia of House Plants

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Plant identification guide.

Plants with a stout, becoming woody, not branching stem. Long, linear, bright green leaves distributed along the whole length of the stem. Main vein not prominent. Old plants with leaves only at upper part of a stem. Roots yellowish red. - Dracaena.

By appearance, Dracaenas look alike related to them Cordilinas but the latter unlike Dracaenas have leaves with short petioles and prominent main vein and rhizomes with fleshy white roots.

Plants smaller, herbaceous. Leaves linear, sheathed, alternate. Young not fully developed leaves with blades folded along the main vein, margins accreted at tip. Leaf blades at base with one comb-like row of long thin hairs. Flowers light blue or violet with three petals. - Tradescantia .