Abelia |
Abutilon (Flowering maple, Indian mallow, Parlor maple) |
Acacia (Mimosa, Wattle, Kangaroo Thorn) |
Acalypha (Chenolle plant, Red-hot Catstail, Copperleaf) |
Acanthus (Bear's breeches, Mountain thistle) |
Acca (Feijoa) |
Achimenes (Cupid's bower, Hot water plant) |
Acorus (Grassy-leaved sweet flag) |
Adenium (Desert Rose, Impala Lily) |
Adiantum (Maidenhair Fern) |
Aechmea |
Aeonium |
Aeschynanthus (Basket Vine, Lipstick vine, Basket plant) |
Agapanthus (African blue lily) |
Agapetes |
Agave (American aloe, Century Plant) |
Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen) |
Allamanda (Golden trumpet) |
Alocasia (Elephat's ear) |
Aloe |
Amorphophallus (Devil's tongue, Snake Palm) |
Ampelopsis (Porcelain berry, Porcelain vine) |
Ananas (Pineapple) |
Angraecum |
Anisodontea |
Annona cherimola (Cherimoya) |
Anthurium (Flamingo flower, Tail flower) |
Aphelandra (Saffron-spike, Zebra plant) |
Araucaria (Norfolk island palm) |
Ardisia |
Asparagus (Asparagus fern) |
Aspidistra |
Asplenium (Spleenworts, Bird's Nest Fern, Mother Fern) |
Aucuba (Japanese Laurel, Spotted Laurel) |
Azalea |
Beaucarnea (Swamp buttlebrush) |
Begonia |
Beloperone (Shrimp Plant) |
Billbergia |
Biophytum (Life Plant) |
Blechnum (Hard fern, Tree Fern) |
Bletilla (Chinese ground orchid) |
Bougainvillea |
Bouvardia |
Browallia (Amethyst violet, Bush violet) |
Brunfelsia (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) |
Buxus (Box, Boxwood) |
Caladium (Angel wings, Elephant's ears, Heart of Jesus, Mother-in-law plant) |
Calanthe |
Calathea |
Calliandra (Powderpuff tree) |
Callisia (Striped inch plant, Chain plant) |
Callistemon (Bottlebrush Plant) |
Camellia |
Campanula (Falling stars, Italian bellflower, Star of Bethlehem) |
Capsicum (Chili pepper, Pepper) |
Carex (Sedge) |
Caryota (Fishtail palm) |
Castanospermum (Australian Black Bean, Moreton Bay Chestnut.) |
Catharanthus (Madagascar periwinkle, Vinka) |
Cattleya |
Ceropegia |
Chamaecyparis (False cypress) |
Chamaedorea (Hardy bamboo palm) |
Chamaerops (European fan palm) |
Chlorophytum (Spider Plant) |
Chrysalidocarpus (Areca palm, Golden cane palm, Madagascar palm, Yellow palm) |
Cissus (Kangaroo vine, Grape ivy) |
Citrus limon (Lemon tree) |
Citrus reticulata Blanco |
Clerodendrum |
Cleyera |
Clivia |
Coccoloba (Sea Grape) |
Cocos (Coconut Palm) |
Codiaeum (Croton) |
Coelogyne |
Coffea (Coffee Tree) |
Coleus |
Colmanara |
Colocasia (Taro, Elephant's ear) |
Columnea |
Cordyline (Red Dracaena) |
Corokia |
Costus |
Cotyledon |
Crassula |
Crinum |
Crossandra (Firecracker flower) |
Cryptanthus (Earth star, Starfish plant) |
Ctenanthe |
Cuphea (Elfin herb, False heather, Hawaiian heather, Cygar flower) |
Cyanotis (Pussy Ears, Teddy bear plant) |
Cycas (Fern Palm, Sago palm) |
Cyclamen |
Cymbidium |
Cyperus (Umbrella Plant) |
Cyphomandra (Tamarillo, Tree Tomato, Arbol de Tomate) |
Cyrtomium (Japanese holly fern, Large-leaved holly fern) |
Cytisus (Broom, Genista) |
Dalechampia (Costa Rican Butterfly Vine) |
Darlingtonia |
Datura (Angel's Trumpet) |
Davallia (Hare's-Foot Fern) |
Degarmoara |
Dendrobium |
Dendrochilum |
Didymochlaena |
Dieffenbachia (Dumb cane) |
Dionaea (Venus flytrap) |
Dipladenia |
Dischidia (Ant plant) |
Dizygotheca |
Dracaena (Dragon tree, Ribbon plant) |
Drosera (Sundew, Cape Sundew, Forked Sundew) |
Duchesnea |
Echeveria |
Encyclia |
Epidendrum |
Epipremnum (Devil's ivy, Golden pothos) |
Episcia (Flame violet, Lace Flower) |
Erica (Heath, Heather) |
Eucharis |
Euonimus (Japanese spindle tree) |
Euphorbia (Poinsettia, Milkweed, Spurge) |
Exacum (Persian Violet) |
Fatshedera (Aralia ivy, Botanical wonder, Tree-ivy) |
Fatsia (Castor Oil Plant, Aralia) |
Ficus (Fig) |
Fittonia (Nerve plant, Painted net leaf) |
Fuchsia |
Gardenia |
Gasteria |
Geogenanthus |
Gloriosa (Glory Lily) |
Gongora |
Guzmania (Scarlet Star) |
Gynura (Purple velvet plant) |
Haemanthus |
Haemaria |
Haworthia |
Hedera (Ivy, English ivy) |
Hemigraphis (Red flame ivy) |
Hibiscus (Chinese hibiscus, Rose of China) |
Hippeastrum |
Hoffmannia (Strawberry Splash, Taffeta Plant) |
Howea (Sentry palm) |
Hoya (Wax plant) |
Hydrangea (Hortensia, Lacecap) |
Hymenocallis (Spider lily, Peruvian daffodil) |
Hypoestes (Polka-dot-plant) |
Impatiens (Balsam, Busy Lizzie) |
Iresine (Beefsteak plant, Chicken gizzard, blood leaf) |
Ixora (Flame Of The Wood, Jungle Flame) |
Jacobinia |
Jasminum (Jasmine, Jessamine) |
Jatropha (Bottle plant) |
Kalanchoe (Panda plant, Plush plant, Pussy ears, Devil's backbone, Mexican hat plant, Chandelier plant) |
Kohleria |
Lachenalia (Cape cowslip) |
Laelia |
Laeliocattleya |
Lantana (Shrub verbena) |
Laurus |
Lepanthes |
Leptospermum (Tea Tree) |
Lilium (Lily) |
Liriope |
Livistona (Ribbon fan palm) |
Lycaste |
Macodes |
Mansoa (Ajo sacha, Garlic vine) |
Maranta (Prayer Plant) |
Maxillaria |
Medinilla (Rose Grape) |
Miltonia |
Miltoniopsis |
Mimosa (Sensitive Plant, Humble plant) |
Molineria (Palm Grass, Molineria, Curculigo) |
Monstera (Ceriman, Mexican breadfruit, Swiss cheese plant, Windowleaf) |
Murraya |
Myrtus (Myrtle) |
Nemantanthus (Clog Plant, Guppy Plant) |
Neoregelia |
Nepenthes (Monkey cup, Tropical pitcher plant) |
Nephrolepis (Boston Fern) |
Nerine (Guernsey lily) |
Nerium (Oleander, Rose bay) |
Nertera |
Nidularium (Bird's nest bromeliad) |
Odonthoglossum |
Oncidium |
Ophiopogon (Lily Turf, Dwarf Mondo Grass) |
Oplismenus (Basket Grass) |
Oxalis (Shamrock, Sorrel) |
Pachira aquatica (Water chestnut, Guiana chestnut, Malabar chestnut, Money tree) |
Pachyphytum |
Pachypodium (Madagascar Palm) |
Pachystachys (Cardinal's quard, Lollipop Plant) |
Pandanus (Screw Pine) |
Paphiopedilum |
Parthenocissus |
Passiflora (Granadilla, Passionflower) |
Pedilanthus (The Red Bird plant, Devil's backbone, redbird flower; Jacob's ladder; ribbon cactus) |
Pelargonium (Geranium) |
Pellaea |
Pellionia (Rainbow vine, Trailing watermelon begonia) |
Pentas (Star flower, Star cluster) |
Peperomia |
Persea (Avocado Tree) |
Phalaenopsis |
Philodendron |
Phoenix (Date palm) |
Phragmipedium |
Pilea |
Piper (Pepper) |
Pisonia (Birdcatcher Tree, Map Plant) |
Pittosporum |
Platycerium (Staghorn Fern, Elkhorn Fern) |
Plectranthus (Swedish Ivy) |
Pleione |
Plumbago (Leadwort) |
Pogonatherum (Miniature Bamboo) |
Polypodium |
Polyscias |
Primula (Primrose) |
Pseuderanthemum |
Pteris (Brake, Table fern) |
Punica (Pomegranate) |
Radermachera (China Doll, Serpent Tree) |
Rechsteineria (Cardinal Flower) |
Rhaphidophora |
Rhapis (Little Lady Palm, Bamboo Palm) |
Rhoeo |
Rhoicissus |
Rivina |
Rochea |
Rosa (Rose) |
Ruellia (Christmas pride, Monkey Plant, Trailing velvet plant) |
Saintpaulia (African Violet) |
Sanchezia |
Sansevieria (Mother-in-law's tongue, Snake plant, Bowstring hemp) |
Sarcococca (Christmas box, Sweet box) |
Sarracenia (Purple Pitcher Plant, Yellow Pitcher Plant, Cobra Lily) |
Saxifraga (Saxifrage) |
Schefflera (Umbrella Tree, Octopus Tree) |
Scindapsus |
Scirpus (Bulrush, Club Grass) |
Sedum (Stonecrop) |
Selaginella (Creeping Moss) |
Senecio |
Setcreasea |
Siderasis |
Sinningia (Gloxinia) |
Skimmia |
Smithiantha |
Solanum (Jerusalem Cherry, Christmas Cherry) |
Soleirolia (Helxine) |
Sophronitis |
Spathiphyllum (The Peace Lily) |
Sprekelia |
Stanhopea |
Stapelia (Carrion flower) |
Stephanotis (Floradora, Madagascar jasmine) |
Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise) |
Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose) |
Strobilanthes (Persian Shield) |
Stromanthe |
Syngonium (Arrowhead vine, Goosefoot plant) |
Synsepalum dulcificum (Miracle Fruit, Miraculous Fruit) |
Tetrastigma (Chestnut Vine, Lizard plant) |
Thunbergia (Black-eyed Susan, Blue trumpet vine, Sky vine) |
Thunia |
Tillandsia (Air plant) |
Tolmiea (Piggyback plant) |
Trachycarpus |
Tradescantia |
Vallota (Fire Lily, Scarborough Lily) |
Vanda |
Veltheimia |
Vriesea (Lobster claw, Painted Feather, Flaming sword) |
Washingtonia (Desert fan palm, Thread palm) |
x Citrofortunella (Calamondin) |
Xanthosoma (Yautia) |
Yucca (Dagger plant, Spanish bayonet, Adam's beedle, Spanish dagger) |
Zamioculcas (ZZ plant, Aroid Palm, Arum Fern) |
Zantedeschia (Calla Lily) |
Zebrina (Wandering Jew) |
Zephyranthes (Rainflower, Rain Lily, Zephyr Lily) |
Zygopetalum |