The Encyclopedia of House Plants

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Family: Crassulaceae.

Crassula arborescens Willd.
Crassula Genus of about 150 species of annual and perennial succulents and evergreen, succulent shrubs and subshrubs, ranging from dwarf to tall, tree-like plants, and found in dry to moist, high to low areas in Africa, Madagascar, and Asia. There are no typical foliage or growth characteristics to help you identify a plant is a Crassula. Leaves range from scale-like to several inches long, growth habit from sprawling to stiffly erect and leaf colour from grey to red. One of the most popular is Crassula argentea with its tree-like trunk growing 3 ft or more. C. arborescens is rather similar, but the leaves are less rounded and are greyish colour. Do not let temperatures drop below 45 degrees. If repotting is necessary do it as new growth commences. Allow the soil to become quite dry after repotting.
Growing conditions Watering and misting Propagation
Average warmth from spring to autumn - minimum 50F in winter.Semi-shade or bright light. Some shade in summer may be necessary. Grow in standard cactus potting mix. Keep compost moist at all time. In winter water very infrequently, once every 1-2 months. No need to mist the leaves. Propagation is by stem cuttings taken in spring or summer. Use the previous season's growth and allow the cuttings to dry in air for several days. Insert the cuttings in the medium only as far as needed to hold them in place. Leaf cuttings may be used but the resulting plants will be smaller. Sow seed at 59-64 F (15-18 C) in early spring.
Crassula coccinea
Crassula coccinea
Crassula cultivar "Gollum"
Synonyms: Crassula portulacea, Crassula ovata, Crassula convoluta

Common name: Trumpet Jade

A small shrubby succulent to 2 to 3 feet tall by 1 to 2 feet wide with interesting tubular leaves that have a reddish tint. Crassula 'Gollum' has leaves that are nearly tubular and appear to be tipped with a suction cup reminiscent of the J.R.R. Tolkein character by the same name. It is interesting plants with trunks that becomes thick with age and developing interesting stem patterns. In late fall and early winter appear the pinkish white star-like flowers. Great for container culture and Bonsai cultivation. Plant in full sun to bright shade. Hardy to 20-25° F. You can have as many plants as there are leaves on it. Just stick one in the ground and it'll grow into a new plant.

Crassula cultivar "Gollum"
Crassula falcata (C. perforata)
Crassula falcata (C. perforata)
Crassula muscosa (C. lycopodioides)
Crassula muscosa (C. lycopodioides)
Crassula schmidtii
Crassula schmidtii

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