The Encyclopedia of House Plants

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Family: Insectivores.

Dionaea muscipula Common name(s): Venus flytrap
Dionaea Family: Droseraceae. Genus of one species of insectivorous perennial found in bogs in coastal areas of North and South Carolina. Dionaea muscipula (Venus Fly Trap) is the most spectagular insectivore in its action. This carnivorous plant utilizes an active steel trap mechanism. Trigger hairs on the inside lobes of the trap must be triggered twice in succession (or two different hairs on same leaf) for the traps to close. Closure of the trap occurs in about 1/30 second in full sunlight. Cool temperatures and cloudy weather will slow the trap mechanism down somewhat. The leaf perishes after capturing four insects in succession. Traps triggered by non-prey will re-open in about 24 hours. Marginally frost hardy, grow in moist, acidic soil in full sun. Pinching out emerging flower stems and removing dead traps will encourage new traps to grow.
Growing conditions Watering and misting Propagation
Average warmth in summer - minimum 40 F in winter. Brightly lit spot away from direct sunlight. Grow in acidic potting mix in a terrarium or in a bog garden. Keep compost moist at all time. Reduce watering in winter. Misting is necessary. Use rainwater. Propagate from seed or leaf cuttings or by division in spring. Sow seed at 50-55 F (10-13 C) in spring. Place the container in a water tray to keep the potting mix moist. Germination is very slow.

User-submitted additions and corrections:

Alberta, Canada
9th Sep 2009
I bought my flytrap at a local grocery store. It was in its own little terrarium, but it was all decorated on the side and you couldn't really see the plant at all. So I took it out and promised myself to buy a terrarium for it. I kept forgetting to go buy one and it started not looking good, leaves dying and such. But then all of a sudden it took off, 12 new leaves coming out at once! My mom can't believe me because all hers usually die from root rot.
So what I've been doing since is leaving it in my south-facing window, watering it every day or second day to keep the soil moist, and removing the dead leaves. It is a great little plant and I've had it for about 8 months now. (Average Humidity where I live ~65%) It just keeps growing :)
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