The Encyclopedia of House Plants

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Family: Gesneriaceae.

Smithiantha zebrina Ktze.
Smithiantha Genus of 4 species of rhizomatous perennials from moist, tropical woodland and rocks in Mexico. In general, these plants are good and decorative subjects for the indoor light garden or the tropical greenhouse. Most are grown for their attractive flowers, although some species and hybrids of Smithiantha also produce very attractive hairy and plush foliage. Smithiantha is not an easy plant to grow in the average room - it needs the warm humid conditions. It is raised from rhizomes planted on their sides in potting compost in late winter - they should be 1/2 in. below the surface.

The flowers are a blend of yellow, orange or pink.

Growing conditions Watering and misting Propagation
Average or above average warmth in summer. Keep fairy cool in winter - minimum temperature 60 F. Bright light - avoid direct sunshine. Water freely from spring to autumn - sparingly in Winter. Use tepid water. Misting is not necessary. Take stem cuttings in spring or divide rhizomes. Sow seed at 59-64 F (15-18 C).

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