The Encyclopedia of House Plants

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The Solanaceae are herbs, shrubs, or trees comprising about 85 genera and 2,800 species that are frequently lianous or creeping. The leaves are alternate, usually simple, and lack stipules. The flowers are bisexual and actinomorphic or only slightly zygomorphic. The perianth and androecium whorls generally are isomerous and usually are 5- or sometimes 4- or 6-merous. The calyx is synsepalous, ranging from tubular to deeply cleft. The corolla is sympetalous and ranges from forms with a short tube and rather long, reflexed lobes to forms with a long tube and short lobes. The stamens are distinct, alternating with the lobes of the corolla, and adnate to the corolla tube or perigynous zone. The gynoecium consists of a single compound pistil of 2 carpels, a single style, and a superior ovary with 2 or rarely more locules by false partitioning, each with nearly always numerous axile ovules. A nectary disk is generally present around the base of the ovary. The fruit is a berry or septicidal capsule.

Browallia (Amethyst violet, Bush violet) Browallia
Brunfelsia (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow)Brunfelsia

Capsicum (Chili pepper, Pepper)Capsicum
Cyphomandra (Tamarillo, Tree Tomato, Arbol de Tomate)Cyphomandra

Datura (Angel's Trumpet)Datura

Solanum (Jerusalem Cherry, Christmas Cherry)Solanum
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