The Encyclopedia of House Plants

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A-Z list of plants

Abelia Abutilon (Flowering maple, Indian mallow, Parlor maple) Acacia (Mimosa, Wattle, Kangaroo Thorn)
Acalypha (Chenolle plant, Red-hot Catstail, Copperleaf) Acanthus (Bear's breeches, Mountain thistle) Acca (Feijoa)
Achimenes (Cupid's bower, Hot water plant) Acorus (Grassy-leaved sweet flag) Adenium (Desert Rose, Impala Lily)
Adiantum (Maidenhair Fern) Aechmea Aeonium
Aeschynanthus (Basket Vine, Lipstick vine, Basket plant) Agapanthus (African blue lily) Agapetes
Agave (American aloe, Century Plant) Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen) Allamanda (Golden trumpet)
Alocasia (Elephat's ear) Aloe Amorphophallus (Devil's tongue, Snake Palm)
Ampelopsis (Porcelain berry, Porcelain vine) Ananas (Pineapple) Angraecum
Anisodontea Annona cherimola (Cherimoya) Anthurium (Flamingo flower, Tail flower)
Aphelandra (Saffron-spike, Zebra plant) Araucaria (Norfolk island palm) Ardisia
Asparagus (Asparagus fern) Aspidistra Asplenium (Spleenworts, Bird's Nest Fern, Mother Fern)
Aucuba (Japanese Laurel, Spotted Laurel) Azalea

Beaucarnea (Swamp buttlebrush) Begonia Beloperone (Shrimp Plant)
Billbergia Biophytum (Life Plant) Blechnum (Hard fern, Tree Fern)
Bletilla (Chinese ground orchid) Bougainvillea Bouvardia
Browallia (Amethyst violet, Bush violet) Brunfelsia (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) Buxus (Box, Boxwood)

Caladium (Angel wings, Elephant's ears, Heart of Jesus, Mother-in-law plant) Calanthe Calathea
Calliandra (Powderpuff tree) Callisia (Striped inch plant, Chain plant) Callistemon (Bottlebrush Plant)
Camellia Campanula (Falling stars, Italian bellflower, Star of Bethlehem) Capsicum (Chili pepper, Pepper)
Carex (Sedge) Caryota (Fishtail palm) Castanospermum (Australian Black Bean, Moreton Bay Chestnut.)
Catharanthus (Madagascar periwinkle, Vinka) Cattleya Ceropegia
Chamaecyparis (False cypress) Chamaedorea (Hardy bamboo palm) Chamaerops (European fan palm)
Chlorophytum (Spider Plant) Chrysalidocarpus (Areca palm, Golden cane palm, Madagascar palm, Yellow palm) Cissus (Kangaroo vine, Grape ivy)
Citrus limon (Lemon tree) Citrus reticulata Blanco Clerodendrum
Cleyera Clivia Coccoloba (Sea Grape)
Cocos (Coconut Palm) Codiaeum (Croton) Coelogyne
Coffea (Coffee Tree) Coleus Colmanara
Colocasia (Taro, Elephant's ear) Columnea Cordyline (Red Dracaena)
Corokia Costus Cotyledon
Crassula Crinum Crossandra (Firecracker flower)
Cryptanthus (Earth star, Starfish plant) Ctenanthe Cuphea (Elfin herb, False heather, Hawaiian heather, Cygar flower)
Cyanotis (Pussy Ears, Teddy bear plant) Cycas (Fern Palm, Sago palm) Cyclamen
Cymbidium Cyperus (Umbrella Plant) Cyphomandra (Tamarillo, Tree Tomato, Arbol de Tomate)
Cyrtomium (Japanese holly fern, Large-leaved holly fern) Cytisus (Broom, Genista)

Dalechampia (Costa Rican Butterfly Vine) Darlingtonia Datura (Angel's Trumpet)
Davallia (Hare's-Foot Fern) Degarmoara Dendrobium
Dendrochilum Didymochlaena Dieffenbachia (Dumb cane)
Dionaea (Venus flytrap) Dipladenia Dischidia (Ant plant)
Dizygotheca Dracaena (Dragon tree, Ribbon plant) Drosera (Sundew, Cape Sundew, Forked Sundew)

Echeveria Encyclia Epidendrum
Epipremnum (Devil's ivy, Golden pothos) Episcia (Flame violet, Lace Flower) Erica (Heath, Heather)
Eucharis Euonimus (Japanese spindle tree) Euphorbia (Poinsettia, Milkweed, Spurge)
Exacum (Persian Violet)

Fatshedera (Aralia ivy, Botanical wonder, Tree-ivy) Fatsia (Castor Oil Plant, Aralia) Ficus (Fig)
Fittonia (Nerve plant, Painted net leaf) Fuchsia

Gardenia Gasteria Geogenanthus
Gloriosa (Glory Lily) Gongora Guzmania (Scarlet Star)
Gynura (Purple velvet plant)

Haemanthus Haemaria Haworthia
Hedera (Ivy, English ivy) Hemigraphis (Red flame ivy) Hibiscus (Chinese hibiscus, Rose of China)
Hippeastrum Hoffmannia (Strawberry Splash, Taffeta Plant) Howea (Sentry palm)
Hoya (Wax plant) Hydrangea (Hortensia, Lacecap) Hymenocallis (Spider lily, Peruvian daffodil)
Hypoestes (Polka-dot-plant)

Impatiens (Balsam, Busy Lizzie) Iresine (Beefsteak plant, Chicken gizzard, blood leaf) Ixora (Flame Of The Wood, Jungle Flame)

Jacobinia Jasminum (Jasmine, Jessamine) Jatropha (Bottle plant)

Kalanchoe (Panda plant, Plush plant, Pussy ears, Devil's backbone, Mexican hat plant, Chandelier plant) Kohleria

Lachenalia (Cape cowslip) Laelia Laeliocattleya
Lantana (Shrub verbena) Laurus Lepanthes
Leptospermum (Tea Tree) Lilium (Lily) Liriope
Livistona (Ribbon fan palm) Lycaste

Macodes Mansoa (Ajo sacha, Garlic vine) Maranta (Prayer Plant)
Maxillaria Medinilla (Rose Grape) Miltonia
Miltoniopsis Mimosa (Sensitive Plant, Humble plant) Molineria (Palm Grass, Molineria, Curculigo)
Monstera (Ceriman, Mexican breadfruit, Swiss cheese plant, Windowleaf) Murraya Myrtus (Myrtle)

Nemantanthus (Clog Plant, Guppy Plant) Neoregelia Nepenthes (Monkey cup, Tropical pitcher plant)
Nephrolepis (Boston Fern) Nerine (Guernsey lily) Nerium (Oleander, Rose bay)
Nertera Nidularium (Bird's nest bromeliad)

Odonthoglossum Oncidium Ophiopogon (Lily Turf, Dwarf Mondo Grass)
Oplismenus (Basket Grass) Oxalis (Shamrock, Sorrel)

Pachira aquatica (Water chestnut, Guiana chestnut, Malabar chestnut, Money tree) Pachyphytum Pachypodium (Madagascar Palm)
Pachystachys (Cardinal's quard, Lollipop Plant) Pandanus (Screw Pine) Paphiopedilum
Parthenocissus Passiflora (Granadilla, Passionflower) Pedilanthus (The Red Bird plant, Devil's backbone, redbird flower; Jacob's ladder; ribbon cactus)
Pelargonium (Geranium) Pellaea Pellionia (Rainbow vine, Trailing watermelon begonia)
Pentas (Star flower, Star cluster) Peperomia Persea (Avocado Tree)
Phalaenopsis Philodendron Phoenix (Date palm)
Phragmipedium Pilea Piper (Pepper)
Pisonia (Birdcatcher Tree, Map Plant) Pittosporum Platycerium (Staghorn Fern, Elkhorn Fern)
Plectranthus (Swedish Ivy) Pleione Plumbago (Leadwort)
Pogonatherum (Miniature Bamboo) Polypodium Polyscias
Primula (Primrose) Pseuderanthemum Pteris (Brake, Table fern)
Punica (Pomegranate)

Radermachera (China Doll, Serpent Tree) Rechsteineria (Cardinal Flower) Rhaphidophora
Rhapis (Little Lady Palm, Bamboo Palm) Rhoeo Rhoicissus
Rivina Rochea Rosa (Rose)
Ruellia (Christmas pride, Monkey Plant, Trailing velvet plant)

Saintpaulia (African Violet) Sanchezia Sansevieria (Mother-in-law's tongue, Snake plant, Bowstring hemp)
Sarcococca (Christmas box, Sweet box) Sarracenia (Purple Pitcher Plant, Yellow Pitcher Plant, Cobra Lily) Saxifraga (Saxifrage)
Schefflera (Umbrella Tree, Octopus Tree) Scindapsus Scirpus (Bulrush, Club Grass)
Sedum (Stonecrop) Selaginella (Creeping Moss) Senecio
Setcreasea Siderasis Sinningia (Gloxinia)
Skimmia Smithiantha Solanum (Jerusalem Cherry, Christmas Cherry)
Soleirolia (Helxine) Sophronitis Spathiphyllum (The Peace Lily)
Sprekelia Stanhopea Stapelia (Carrion flower)
Stephanotis (Floradora, Madagascar jasmine) Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise) Streptocarpus (Cape Primrose)
Strobilanthes (Persian Shield) Stromanthe Syngonium (Arrowhead vine, Goosefoot plant)
Synsepalum dulcificum (Miracle Fruit, Miraculous Fruit)

Tetrastigma (Chestnut Vine, Lizard plant) Thunbergia (Black-eyed Susan, Blue trumpet vine, Sky vine) Thunia
Tillandsia (Air plant) Tolmiea (Piggyback plant) Trachycarpus

Vallota (Fire Lily, Scarborough Lily) Vanda Veltheimia
Vriesea (Lobster claw, Painted Feather, Flaming sword)

Washingtonia (Desert fan palm, Thread palm)

x Citrofortunella (Calamondin)

Xanthosoma (Yautia)

Yucca (Dagger plant, Spanish bayonet, Adam's beedle, Spanish dagger)

Zamioculcas (ZZ plant, Aroid Palm, Arum Fern) Zantedeschia (Calla Lily) Zebrina (Wandering Jew)
Zephyranthes (Rainflower, Rain Lily, Zephyr Lily) Zygopetalum
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